Cardas Clear and Clear Beyond speaker cable all belong to the Cardas Clear family of cables. Outstanding clarity with any brightness or harshness, Cardas Clear cables have a clear natural tone that we have not hear from any cable before. Signature Sound has been a Cardas Audio dealer for OVER 25 years and feature Cardas Clear cables in our reference system and can vouch first hand for its outstanding performance. While not inexpensive, Cardas Clear series cables offer performance better than a number of extremely expensive cables we have heard. Termination on the Cardas Clear and Cardas Clear Beyond (and some other Clear series) cables uses no solder!!! Very high pressure cold forged crimped connections (using custom connectors and tooling developed by George Cardas) make for a perfect copper to copper connect between wire and connector. Below you will find some info on the Clear and Clear Beyond Cardas cables, but we do carry and often have available for demo all the other Clear Series cables (Clear Beyond XL, Clear Cygnus, Clear Reflection, Clear Sky and Clear SE-9 MP). As always, please contact us directly for pricing on new Cardas cables and what we may have available for demo (loan).
Cardas Clear Speaker Cables are the outgrowth of years of intense refinements to every aspect of speaker cable design. New metallurgical drawing and refining techniques have yielded a new, extremely low eddy current copper. The geometry is a perfect mirror, matched propagation design that is as near to perfection as any ever envisioned. The connectors and the connection techniques are, without a doubt, the best ever devised. Clear Speaker cable is perfect for most amplifier/speaker combinations.
Outside Diameter: .600
Dielectric Type: TeflonĀ®
Inductance: .0176 uh/ft/loop
Capacitance: 278 pf pf/ft
Bi Wire Option: No
Cable AWG: 7.5
Conductor Type: Perfect Mirror Quadaxial
Clear Beyond Speaker Cables are simply that, it is beyond the demands of any loud speaker or amplifier combination imaginable. No impedance dip or current flow demand is a challenge in any way. Clear Beyond is simply overkill for all but the most extreme systems. Clear was not easy. I took a year just to developed the multi-stage, pure fusion connector to conductor connection. It required engineering special dies, then endless hours of fiddling with 10,000 psi hydraulic gear, creating perfectly matched, fully machined connectors. All conductors required tedious individual strand chemical stripping of the litz wire. Because every detail of these cables is so time consuming, their production will be limited for the foreseeable future.
Outside Diameter: .934
Dielectric Type: TeflonĀ®, Air
Inductance: .01 uh uh/ft/loop
Capacitance: 446 pf pf/ft
Bi Wire Option: Yes
Cable AWG: 5
Conductor Type: Perfect Mirror Octoaxial
Cardas Clear Jumpers use the same conductor found in Clear Speaker Cable. These jumpers offer superior performance over internally bi-wiring Clear cables.
- Cardas Clear Speaker Cables
- Cardas Clear Bi-Wire Jumpers
- Cardas Clear Speaker Cable Literature Sheet
- Cardas Clear Beyond Speaker Cable Literature