Power Modules Inc Belles Aria Series Products – From $850 to $3,495. Signature Sound has been a authorized Power Modules dealer for over 20 years and have a wealth of knowledge and experience with Dave Belles’s gear. The Aria series of gear as of January 2024 (always check with the Power Modules website for the most current list of their products available) includes:
- Belles Aria Phono PH-01
- Belles Aria Integrated Amplifier
- Belles Aria Stereo Power Amplifier
- Belles Aria Preamplifier
- Belles Aria Dual Mono Integrated Amplifier
The Belles Aria products are well known and highly praised for their performance and value. To us, the Belles Aria sound is one of smooth grain free musicality, in some ways bit tube like in character.
As always, please contact us for pricing and/or availability of any Power Modules Aria series product.
- Belles Aria Dual Mono Integrated
- Belles Aria Power Amp